If you suspect you have a cavity in your mouth, it’s important to call Chicago Osteopathic Hospital Dental Clinic PC at 773-947-4665 and schedule an appointment with one of our dentists as soon as possible. The sooner you get the cavity treated, the sooner your oral health can be restored.
Luckily, our dental team offers amalgam dental fillings in Chicago, Illinois, to help you repair your tooth. These fillings are strong, dark in color, and great for the back teeth in the mouth. When you come to our office for treatment, you can expect the following treatment steps:
First, our dentist will help you have a comfortable appointment by numbing your mouth before the treatment begins. Then, we will remove the decayed section of the tooth with a special dental tool, like an air abrasion instrument, laser, or drill.
Second, we will deeply clean the tooth so you don’t experience any complications following treatment. Once the tooth is clean, we will fill it with the amalgam filling to restore the health and function of your tooth.
Third, we will complete the treatment by finishing and polishing the filling. This will help it fit perfectly with your smile and bite. Our dentists want you to have the best oral health imaginable.
To learn more about amalgam dental fillings or about how we repair cavities in your smile, please call our office at 773-947-4665 and talk to a member of our dental team. We also encourage you to schedule an appointment with our team as soon as possible if you think you have a cavity. Dr. William Wilson, Dr. Gary Wegmann, and Dr. Daniel Choo look forward to helping you with your oral health needs!